Delia Records - Made for groove lovers

Delia Records - Made for groove lovers


2017-07-06Sesiones Electrónicas @ BodegaClub /// Pas Musique [LiNew York - USA]

#EntradaLibre + Firma de Discos + #AfterPay - 19:30

Pas Musique is a group which creates musical output through the form of abstract sound. The term ‘Pas Musique’ translates to ‘not music’ in french, metaphorically negating everything that is established in music and starts from a clean perspective. The viewpoint fuels our creativity to create our own world of beauty. The aesthetic underpinnings are defined by the notion that music can be whatever the ear perceives. It’s a conception fueled by the love of life and art. It’s a desire for honest artistic self-expression. 

Pas Musique started in 1995 out of Brooklyn, NY, USA, driven by the creative talents of Robert L. Pepper working in the mediums of sound and video. Since then Pas Musique has evolved into a collective with many different instrumentations and lineups. Permanent members include Jon “Vomit” Worthley, Michael Durek, and Robert Pepper. An additional past member was Amber Brien until 2015. Guests and occasional collaborators include, Brett Zweiman, David Tamura, Cathy Heyden, Jim Tuite, Brandstifter, Robin Storey, Philippe Petit, ZEV!, HATI, Steve Beresford, Will Seesar, Matt Chilton, Anthony Donovan, Chester Hawkins, and many others. 

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